Thank you for your interest and wanting to work with Lotus Tribe!

If you aren't already subscribed to our mailing list, please do that now, so that you can learn exactly who we are, what we stand for and our ethos in general. *You must be subscribed to our mailing list prior to approval to receive updates.

There are a few different levels of our Ambassador/Affiliate Program:

  • Ambassador- You pick a customized discount code for your own use and for the use of your followers, clients, friends, etc. *restrictions may apply
  • Affiliate- Includes Ambassador level, a code for 20% off purchases, plus a 10% commission cash back on qualified purchases.
  • Content Creator- Someone who wants to create content wearing Lotus Tribe Clothing, can be added to Ambassador and Affiliate members. This option is available on a case by case basis only. *It is possible for someone to become a Content Creator and receive clothing in exchange for content, without being an Ambassador or Affiliate, but this is not available for most people and would be based on your following and reach, as well as quality of content.

Please answer these questions and reply by email to [email protected]

  • What level of participation are you interested in?
  • What products do you own from us?
  • What do you like most about them?
  • What is it about Lotus Tribe that makes you want to promote for us?

What platforms will you be promoting on?
  • Instagram- please provide your account name
  • Tik Tok - please provide your name
  • Youtube - please provide link
  • Website - please provide URL
  • Pinterest - please provide link
  • In person - where and what do you teach?
  • Other?

For Instagram specifically, include screen shots:
  • Total Followers
  • Top country locations
  • Gender percentage
  • Age range breakdown
  • Accounts Reached
  • Accounts Engaged

Please include any questions you may have along with your answers and screen shots to [email protected]