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Michelle Osborn is the owner and founder of Yellow House Book Rental, specializing in providing homeschool curriculum for rent or purchase, as well as counseling and guidance for homeschool families. She is a wife of 31 years, a 22-year homeschool veteran, and mom of four amazing children. She and her husband absolutely adore their four grandchildren. Two of her children are now entrepreneurs, running their own businesses and doing quite well. Michelle’s passions include serving by leading worship at her church and encouraging homeschool moms through one on one, social media and speaking engagements. She has found her niche in helping parents homeschooling their teens through the high school years and on to pursue their dreams
Rent and purchase Homeschool Curriuclum
Workshop- Top Ten Homeschooling Secrets to Beat Standardized Tests- by Jean Burke author of the award-winning College Prep Genius program
Workshop- Building Your Teenagers Executive Functioning Skills - by Dr. Carol Brown, cognitive-developmental therapist, Doctor of Education (Ed.D), and founder of Equipping Minds with Cognitive Development
- Starting tasks and staying focused on them
- Keeping track of what you’re doing
An additional bonus Q & A session in August.... to keep you accountable and give you a chance to ask other questions.
Just added bonuses!
Resources and workshops given in the Do you REALLY know your teen? challenge
Finding your Teen's Passion and Developing a Love for Learning workshop video
Here's what moms have had to say about the past Confidently Homeschooling Teens masterclass and my coaching session.
Walk Away Knowing EXACTLY How You'll Help Them & What Resources You Will Need
Topics included in the masterclasses
- Learn why you are enough and how easy it is to do it all when you have a plan!
- Graduation course requirements
- How to create tailor-made classes for your teen.
- Tips on motivating your teen to learn
- Step by step four-year guide to preparing your teen for college
- Grading to help your teen learn
- Creating a transcript
- What entrance exams does my teen need to take and how do I help them study for them?
- and much more
Find all of this in one place. No more searching the internet for answers!
Confidently Homeschooling Teens Masterclass Series
Who is it for?
~Parents with teens in middle school. Take the fear of out of wondering what lies ahead
~Parents of teens in high school. Learn what is required and how to make it happen
What's included?
- Four once a week Live 30-40 minute master class presentations (Month of June) Day and time TBD by group
- Immediately followed by a 30-minute Q & A
- Replays of all workshops
- Q & A in July to help keep you going in the right direction
- You will be invited to an exclusive Facebook community- learn, communicate, encourage, and hold each other accountable.
as well as......
If you don't know EXACTLY what you need to do to successfully homeschool your teen,
how are you going to do it right?
What's stopping you?
Sure, you can find most of these answers by searching the internet. But how much is your time worth? Why not get all the answers in one place AND have someone there to help you... who's been there and has found the answers!
The teen years fly by! Your teen deserves a sure foundation. A plan that gets them to graduation and beyond successfully. You don't have time to waste.
You bring your determination. I'll give you a plan of action and the resources you need to make these last few years count.... They will be gone in a blink of an eye!
How would you feel knowing that you are doing it right? You haven't missed anything. Your teen is on track and YOU are DOING ENOUGH!
Finally, gain the clarity you crave!
$129 registration extended through June 1st!
Join me as I walk you through what you need to know to homeschool your teen successfully. The first workshop takes place on June 3rd. The other three workshops will happen every Tuesday evening for the next three weeks.
Replays of the workshops and Q & A's will be available.
Registration has closed.
This course will be offered again early fall 2021